make mac & cheese
Make Mac n Cheese in a LARGE foil roasting dish to serve 10 children. You can freeze before donating if you want to. You can add some protein into the Meal if you like e.g. bacon, mince, chicken.

bake a birthday cake
2 hours
Bake a large Birthday cake that can serve 20 children. Decorate it as beautifully as you can for a boy or a girl. Pop in some candles if you can.

Fill a black bag with clothing
1 hour
Fill a black bag with second hand clothes to donate – they can be children’s clothing or adults clothing. You could also donate toys, books and other household goods.

re-pack the storeroom in bryanston
3 hours
Our donation storeroom becomes very messy with donations. We need TWO – FOUR strong volunteers to tidy the storeroom once a week.

food parcel
Donate a Food Parcel – Please pack your parcel into a re-useable fabric shopping bag. A good food parcel contains some mielie meal, sugar, tins of beans and tomatoes, some spices (Aromat or similar), peanut butter in a plastic tub or jam and something sweet like a packet of biscuits.

Toiletry pack
1 hour
Donate a Toiletry Pack – Please try to use a drawstring bag or zip bag for your toiletry pack. A good toiletry pack contains roll on deodorant, body cream, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush and sanitary pads if you are making it for a girl.

buy 10 stickers
1 hour
Buy 10 stickers to sell to your friends and relatives in support of Tekkie Tax. Kids Haven is a beneficiary of this national initiative and receives the proceeds of every ticket we sell. National Tekkie Tax day is on 31 May 2020

bake 4o biscuits
2 hours
Bake 40 beautiful homemade biscuits. Please wrap them up in pairs in plastic wrap or in bags. We will pop them into the lunch packs for school. If they are not wrapped or bagged, they go soggy next to the sandwich!
These goods can be delivered to the Donation Centre at 300 Main Road, Bryanston (011 706 7959)
or to the Home at 34-38 Cranbourne Avenue, Benoni (011 421 4222)
Chat to Nomfundo at nomfundo@kidshaven.co.za if you need any additional information.