Bryanston 011 706 7959, Benoni 011 421 4222 |NPC: 2000/008607/08 | NPO: 004-661 | PBO: 13 00 00 458
Kids Therapy
Mental Health of children

The mental health needs of children are recognised as a global policy priority; with mental and behavioural disorders accounting for a considerable proportion of the burden of disease in young people in all societies. Poor mental health is strongly correlated with a number of other health and development concerns in young people, such as substance use, violence, risky behaviour and lower educational achievements


“The focus of children’s health and well-being has moved from children surviving to children thriving” (UNICEF, 2019).

Kids Haven Therapy Centre

At Kids Haven we recognise that to thrive, children need to have good mental health. It is for this reason that therapy forms an integral part of the services that we offer. In our work, we adopt a strengths based, resilience approach; recognising that while each child has been exposed to adversity, there are also internal and external protective factors that are present.

Sam Mokgopha

Sam Mokgopha, CEO of Kids Haven, completed his MA dissertation in 2019 entitled “Resilience Development of Former Street Children on the streets, in Residential Care and Beyond Care” completed at the University of Johannesburg.

His key findings showed that literature often presents street children from the deficit viewpoint because of their vulnerability. Their resilience is unnoticed since they are considered to be children in need of care and protection. However, street children have the ability to negotiate life’s trajectories and are considerably resilient. The purpose of this study was to explore the development of resilience among former street children while they lived on the streets, while in residential care and since leaving care.


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