Bryanston 011 706 7959, Benoni 011 421 4222 |NPC: 2000/008607/08 | NPO: 004-661 | PBO: 13 00 00 458

July 2024

Parenting workshops help moms connect

Monthly news from Kids Haven


Celebrating brave and dedicated women 

“Truth is, women can do anything they want. We can become even more successful if we support each other, empower each other, and support the next generation so they can stand on our shoulders.” – Michelle Obama

Women’s Day is just around the corner and we are celebrating all our incredible women. In the spotlight are the moms who attend our parenting workshops and the facilitators who help them connect.

Our latest Connect Parenting Workshop has been running for several months and has brought amazing women from our communities together. These women run households, work and support many others around them. The parenting workshops aim to better equip these women so they improve relationships with their children and make an impact in their communities by sharing what they have learned. It’s also a great chance for them to connect with other parents in a safe, fun and nurturing environment.

During each session the facilitator asks parents to share their thoughts and challenges.

Here are some of those reflections:

  • Parenting styles and how these have affected how they parent their teenagers – One parent shared that their mother was strict and that this led them to be rebellious in their own way. She shared that she has noticed that this approach to parenting will not work with her teenager because it drives them further apart. She is aware that trying to connect with the teenager and grant them independence is part of strengthening their relationship.
  • Independence – Parents acknowledged that there’s a fear around granting their children too much independence because they struggle to trust them with making good choices or learning from their mistakes.
  • Childhood experiences – Parents reflected on childhood experiences that were emotionally challenging and discussed how these experiences influence their approach to managing conflict with their children.
  • Communication – Parents reflected on the usefulness of sitting their teens down to explain why certain things are not possible to have at the time that they want them.
  • Changed behaviour – They provided examples of conflicts they experienced with their teenagers and described improvements in their responses since participating in the connect training. One parent mentioned that normally, they would have reacted lashing out at their teenager during a conflict but since joining the training, they have been able to speak with their teenager and connect their behaviour to what they are trying to communicate.

Adele Pillay, a workshop facilitator at Kids Haven, says during a workshop one of the moms spoke about how a case of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) between two teenagers affected not only their relationship but also strained the connection between their mothers who are close neighbours. “The parents involved in the GBV case sought the assistance of social workers. This led to improvements in both the teenagers’ relationship and the parents’ relationship as neighbours. This is one of many examples of how this Connect workshop has brought people together. We believe it a crucial part of what Kids Haven offers to its communities. We want to see families growing closer together despite difficult circumstances. Homes need to be places of love and support,” she says.

If you are interested in assisting our workshops programme in any way please email Susan Daly on

Amazing Mandela Day

We were once again inundated with acts of love and service this Mandela Day. Volunteers streamed into our Centre and Village in Benoni and got straight to repainting our homes, planting and cleaning out the veggie gardens, sorting through donations and spending time with our pre-schoolers. Lunch was loving prepared for our children and staff.

At our Bryanston office, donations were dropped off throughout the day and our drivers were kept busy collecting groceries from schools, offices and shopping centres where many had participated in the pyramid of tins challenge. We did our best to count every tin and non-perishable item received. The total donations received are enough to feed our children for seveal months! What an outpouring of love! This means that our pantries are full and we won’t have to spend money buying these items in the months to come. The money saved can go to paying for things like school fees, uniforms, books, workshops, sports equipment, toiletries and all the other items that our children need.

From everyone involved at Kids Haven we say a large and very warm and sincere THANK YOU!


So many July birthdays celebrated

It was a month of fun celebrations with many of our children celebrating their special birthday in July. They enjoyed big cakes and little cupcakes with a candle in each. And then it was off to the theatre. The children loved Peter Rabbit at the National Children’s Theatre, gasping and giggling especially when Mr McGregor was after Peter! Many thanks to all who made July a very special month for our birthday children. We appreciate you.

Camping fun for our young people

On 15-16 July, several of our young people attended The Presidential Award Adventurous Bronze Camp in the Ezemvelo Nature Reserve, Bronkhorstspruit. Lead by hiking guide, John Mkabane, the hikers set off for their 15km hike just after 11:00.

“For the first 5km the kids had so much energy and were enthusiastic to hike more. One of the boy’s shoes broke beyond repair but he insisted that he wanted to finish and he’d hike barefoot. Along the way, he even tried to wear the shoes upside-down,” says John.

After 7km, some kids were frustrated and wanted to finish the hike quicker and leave others behind because some were struggling to keep up the pace. “During the lunch break I explained the importance of working as a team and not leaving anyone behind. After that, we walked again as a group arriving at the camping site at 16:30 having done 15km. We had a talk to reflect on the day and the activities. Many wished we had more days to hike. Some mentioned that they had learned how to work as a team and be patient, because no matter how slowly you walk, you’ll get to your destination. They were proud of themselves. We enjoyed a braai together,” he concludes.

Many thanks to MCSA Johannesburg for the sponsorship and support

Sign up your Fourballs or donate a prize… or both!

Our Annual Golf Day has become a highlight on the calendar for many of our wonderful supporters. This year it is taking place on on Friday 18 October at The Wanderers and we still have a few spaces left for fourball entries. This highly-anticipated event is always a fun day out for a great cause so please contact Susan Daly on to secure your spot.

We are also on the hunt for prizes for all our players. If you could assist with any items or vouchers we would be most grateful. Items such as shirts, wine, umbrellas, meal vouchers, 4-ball vouchers, holiday getaways, non-perishable food items for hampers, are all well-received. We will gladly come and collect or you can drop them off at our offices in Benoni or Bryanston. Please contact Connie on; +27 (011) 706 7959 or WhatsApp 071 860 0505. Many thanks for your support.

Get Involved

You can get involved by volunteering, donating money or second hand goods.
If you think your company could help make a difference please contact us.

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