Bryanston 011 706 7959, Benoni 011 421 4222 |NPC: 2000/008607/08 | NPO: 004-661 | PBO: 13 00 00 458
Kids Haven January Newsletter

“When we see the face of a child, we think of the future. We think of their dreams about what they might become, and what they might accomplish.”  Desmond Tutu

Welcome to a New Year and a special one for Kids Haven – our 30th anniversary.  Thank you for being our friend through these past months and years.  It has been an adventure and we look forward to new ideas and growth in the coming months.

Sadly, in the early 90’s, discrimination and differences were everywhere, including in the support provided to children in need of care and on the streets.  To be blunt, there was nothing for black street children.  So I began offering food, driving around, meeting up with the same young people.  In those days most of the kids on the streets were older than today, teenagers of 16 and 17.  I asked them what had happened to them that they ended up here?  Mostly, they just said that they wanted something to eat, to go to school and to find a way to tell their families that they were ok.  So that is how we started.  Sharing food and sandwiches, getting to use a church hall once a week to hold lessons and finding ways to build relationships to show these children what care looks like.  Volunteers joined me.  In October of 1992 we moved into the abandoned Old Kleinfontein Hospital and started our Shelter, employing a cook as our very first staff member.  Over the years, many good donors joined us and shared our vision to provide a safe and caring space for children.  By the end of 2004, children lived in six houses or the main Centre building in town and we had our own crèche and preschool, and were assisting in community where we could.”  Moira Simpson [Founder, Retired CEO]

Thirty years later, Kids Haven is still protecting and caring for children.  Sadly, our work is not finished because children and youth continue to be unsafe and get hurt.  Kids Haven has adapted over the years to do even more than when we started.  Our child and youth care centre is big but it is really a last-chance place.  Children are already very hurt and traumatised when they get here.  So we need to do even more to stop this happening at all. 
The late Bishop Tutu reminds us that “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” That’s what our community work is all about. 
The Kids Haven Precare team is working with families in the community so that they can be empowered to look after their own children.  Does the family have enough food?  How do the parents discipline and look after their children?  What do safe homes look like?  What do safe communities look like?  These are the questions that occupy us.  The future is bad for children who experience abuse, neglect or who are in homes where there is violence, drugs and crime.  These things can scar a child for life.  So we can’t accept that.  Children must be protected.  They have rights that must be upheld.  Kids Haven wants to deliver on their rights, that is our mandate to do our work.  Kids Haven also relies on research to guide us.  We know that if families are nurturing, and if youth have connections to caring adults, we can promote social norms that protect children and soften the effects of trauma in adulthood.  It definitely means supporting families and young people to have decent work, to be able to look after themselves and their children without stress.  Kids Haven is more than ready for the challenges ahead in 2022.”  Sam Mokgopha [CEO]

Kids Haven Programmes all (1)

It’s never too late to get involved – 1992 – 2022

1. Volunteer

The Teen Hub is our newest project, opening in 2022 to provide a safe space for inner city teens in the afternoon and on a Saturday.  This is a Benoni-Based project and we need volunteers to host activities or tutor these teenagers.  We need your help on weekday afternoons and on a Saturday.  You can choose the best day and time that suit you best.  We are looking for volunteers who can come once a week for a block of four weeks at a time.  Contact

Other volunteer ideas are on our website, including Volunteer to earn community hours and adult volunteering 

2. Donate Monthly

Donate towards any one of the programmes to protect and care for children.  A regular monthly cash donation of your choice – R100, R200, R500, R1 000 a month, ensures consistent and quality delivery of these activities. Use this secure form here or make your EFT donation to Nedbank 1948063824 to Kids Haven – be sure to use your name as a reference and email us at to get your tax receipt.

3. Connect Company CSI to Kids Haven

Identify the connection to your Company CSI programmes and let us work together to protect children.  Contact to get details on different programmes and aligned projects.  We would love to share details on our food gardens and food relief, family strengthening, anti-GBV work and education.

Kids Haven is funding-fit and can provide you with all necessary documentation including a tax receipt, SED certificate and more.

4. Share your stuff

Donate your second-hand clothes and household goods.  We are happy to collect from your home or office.  WhatsApp us on 071 860 0505 or call 011 706 7959 or email 

5. Share our Posts

Extend our network and influence others to share in child protection.  Like and share our Social Media Posts on Instagram or Facebook.  Your circle of influence is all we need to extend our reach.

6. Play

Play Golf in this year’s Kids Haven Golf Day to raise funds for formal school.  This takes place on our birthday on 13 October 2022.  Interested? Contact Susan on to book your fourball in good time.

 “We are definitely enthusiastic and energised to get moving to deliver on our vision of safe and cared for children in every family and in every community of Ekurhuleni.  We are not daunted by the numbers, the bad news or the size of the task.  Let’s start somewhere.  Let’s do our bit.  Every child deserves the very best opportunity.  Join us as we turn 30 years old in 2022.  We are becoming a mature adult now – deliberate and wise in our actions, making good choices.”  Sam Mokgopha CEO

Get Involved

You can get involved by volunteering, donating money or second hand goods.
If you think your company could help make a difference please contact us.

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