Kids Haven Therapy Centre
“The focus of children’s health and well-being has moved from children surviving to children thriving” (UNICEF, 2019).
At Kids Haven we recognise that to thrive, children need to have good mental health. It is for this reason that therapy forms an integral part of the services that we offer. In our work, we adopt a strengths based, resilience approach; recognising that while each child has been exposed to adversity, there are also internal and external protective factors that are present. We focus on what the child is doing well and what works, building on these while also drawing on the social ecology to support and enable the child’s adaptation. Our services are therefore not limited to the child alone; where possible we engage with caregivers, parents, teachers and extended family members. Depending on the age of the child, we offer play therapy or individual talk therapy and group therapy. Our services include, parenting support and training. On a weekly basis we offer interpersonal skills training to all kids haven caregivers; so they are able to understand and support all our children in care. We have also extended our services to community members who are unable to afford private therapy.
We are continuously striving to improve the services we, and other, organisations offer children in South Africa. As such we have taken the lead in identifying national and international mental health experts to provide training and support; which we are able to share with other service providers.
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You can get involved by volunteering, donating money or second hand goods.
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